School Days

So hard to believe that this little one is now going!
Where did that time go?
She loved it,
the best part,
as she told me,
riding the bus!

Kendall was on hand to see her off.

And Mommy tearfully said "Good-bye"
at the bus.
Who am I kidding?
It was not tearfully,
not dab your eyes, misty-eyed sad...
it was bawling, sobbing, gasping for breath,
make a scene
all out
near hysteria..
It was a rough one for Shawnee.

These two, on the other hand, are veterans of day one.
Their mom was a little misty eyed, though.
For the first time in eight years,
we are without a child
at work with us.
Not to worry,
in two weeks we get Kendall three times a week.
JWS' comment,
"You just couldn't do without a child here at work,
it was too much to not run a day care along
with work."


acorn hollow said…
It is funny when my daughter went to school for the first time. all she talked about was the bus ride which was about 2000 feet from the pick up.:)
I hear ya...where does the time go. That was cute...Kendall seeing Gracelyn off. So, when do you get the baby boys???? lol

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