
Showing posts from January, 2014

Last pics until the curtains

This is it, no more pictures until I receive the curtains!   I promise. A bird for the birdcage and some berry vine.   My sister warned me that a birdcage with a floral arrangement looks like a tribute to a dead bird. She likes birds, I, however, think that a dead bird... well... I guess we will just leave my opinion of birds out of this post.     My thimble collection. Started when I was a little girl and for many years stored away. Dad carved the scissors for me.   Not sure about this, I like both displays, just don't know if I like them that close together. And the Hoosier being put to good use.   This was in my Mom's neighbor's house when I was growing up.   I always liked it, even as a little girl. When my Mom had to go somewhere, which wasn't that often because she didn't have a car for years. We would go to Miss Braden's house for lunch. You see, ...

Another Week, Another Project

Last Thursday's auction find. More on that display when it is done. The start of a collage, the final thing for on the wall in my sewing room. And we will call it done!  On to the next thing! For several years, every time I visit an antique or crafter's mall, I think say ponder about having a booth someday. Auctions and yard sale finds left sitting behind because my house is over full. Well, I am taking the leap. It was time to quit talking  and start doing! February first is the day that I start. For now, I am gathering cleaning pricing and  getting ready! I can't wait!  

More Reflections on Haiti

ļ»æThis link will take you to a blog post written by another member of the team who was in Haiti with me in November. After returning home so sick, I kept thinking I would not go back. However, all I have to do is read this and look at the pictures and the tug is there. That tug on your heart that never leaves you once you have been there.

This is where I want to be,

  The recliner is the place for me.   One of my favorite books to read when my girls were little was Put Me In The Zoo   The critter says "This is where I want to be, the circus is the place for me!"   So,   "This is where I want to be, the recliner (in front of the fire, with a warm, steaming cup of coffee and my yarn and crochet hook) is the place for me!   Why?ļ»æ     This, of course!   How cold do these people look?   And doesn't this just scream COLD?   Both views from my sewing room window as I continued to organize, pitch and clean!     I have these real bad habits of 1. Buying any sewing basket I find at any sale at almost any price. 2. Stacking those in my sewing room and never going through them.   Today, I will continue to tackle that issue.   The goal of today? (Other than staying warm, of course...


This is by far the best looking area of the room and I am still going to take that shelf down and paint it. But, there is progress.     Friday morning I started painting and the room is painted and started to put back together. Walls, ceiling and closet turned alcove. And even these received a makeover. Here is the blue one turned gray and the closet turned alcove. Still looking for more of those baskets on the shelf above. JWS actually picked those out for me yesterday. Didn't he do a great job? And the rest of the room. That picture on my sewing machine desk is going to be redone. And the curtains?   This material is headed for sunny Florida today to be made into curtains! My sister makes wonderful curtains and has agreed to do that for me!   Shawnee drew this for me when she was in high school. This morning the frame will get a coat of paint and the colors ...

Unexpected Surprises

The other night as I was walking up the driveway, a car pulled in beside me that I did not recognize. Quickly I realized who it was, and a very nice person held out this ornament explaining that she kept looking at the ornament and it reminded her of something that she had seen. Finally, it had dawned on her that it was my front yard.   and she gave the ornament to me!   I love outdoor lights, but hate putting them up and taking them down. So, with the excuse that Less is More this is my outdoor Christmas decoration every year.   Wreath, Spotlight, Extension Cord, Done!   Ten minutes tops, less if I convince JWS to do it for me!   A nice surprise and so kind!      And now... what I have been up to.   My children and the parents of my grandchildren thought that I needed a toy room.   I looked, I pondered, I literally sat in my upstairs with a cup of coff...

String Quilts Tutorial

Ok, so the disclaimer on this would be: This is coming from a person (me) that is truly not a quilter! So, that can go two ways as I see it. If you are a quilter, look for a better tutorial. If you are not a quilter, you will see that even a non quilter can do this! My mom has been making these for awhile. Most of these directions are hers.   She is a quilter, an awesome quilter!   The parts that probably are not right, are my shortcuts.   I am all about fast and instant gratification. I didn't get that from her. (or my dad, which leads me to believe it was some long lost grandparent that was as impatient as I am) But enough of those genetics.   These are fantastic stash buster and quite fun and fast. There's that f word!         I am going to set mine together in squares like this with a dark color border on every square. And honestly, in my crafter ADD personality, who ...