Drapery Lining Pennant Tutorial

First of all, I bought this drapery lining thinking it was the Roclon product that everyone is painting on. It was not. So it was tossed into the stash. In the archeological dig that I am calling Painting My Way Out Of My Paint Room , I unearthed it. In the middle of the night, it came to me... Pennants! So here is what I did. Made a template. Vinyl flooring makes the greatest patterns! You can choose what size you make, it's pretty simple fourth grade geometry. Make sure that you make that little area on the top to fold over. Trace them onto the fabric. Now I know that I could have utilized this better by making them go both ways. But honestly, I have lots and it was cheap. You can see that I started alternating them and then thought, "why?" Paint them your choice of colors, painting right over the lines. Because really, staying in the...