
Showing posts from March, 2014

Drapery Lining Pennant Tutorial

  First of all, I bought this drapery lining thinking it was the Roclon product that everyone is painting on.   It was not.  So it was tossed into the stash.   In the archeological dig that I am calling Painting My Way Out Of My Paint Room , I unearthed it. In the middle of the night, it came to me... Pennants!   So here is what I did. Made a template.    Vinyl flooring makes the greatest patterns!   You can choose what size you make, it's pretty simple fourth grade geometry. Make sure that you make that little area on the top to fold over. Trace them onto the fabric. Now I know that I could have utilized this better by making them go both ways. But honestly, I have lots and it was cheap. You can see that I started alternating them and then thought, "why?" Paint them your choice of colors, painting right over the lines.   Because really, staying in the...

Recycled Easter Decor

Start with leftover glass jars, and plastic Easter Eggs.   Some paper and glue, Some scraps of ribbon and lace and ric rac. And...voila!   Even really bad linens, that you would think of throwing away, have areas that can be salvaged.   I had a little hiccup for the week. Yes, that is a hospital gown. I have been having these dizzy spells and apparently when you are 55 that throws a red flag up. So a night in the hospital and almost every test available and I am home.   So far, so good, all tests looked fine.   Hoping it stays that way!   The start of the first bedspread... making two of these.  

Slow, but Sure

Spring, it's taking it's time, but, it is coming!     I am hanging on to any green I see, and counting robins!    


  Saturday night was a sleepover at Grandma's   At least for these four. The boys arrived first and got out the Legos       But the girls wanted to paint when they got there. They were diligent in painting their sun catchers.   Then settled down for a movie and actually were all asleep by 10 ish.   Breakfast on Sunday and off to their respective homes.     Their is an alliance there that is pretty strong. Gracelyn and Logan, the bottom two in this picture are a team.   The other two are not.   Gracelyn and Logan will let them in, but usually one at a time.   The arguments ensue mostly over seating order.   The funny statement of the night?   Tyler informs Logan, "You know she is your cousin, she can't be your girlfriend!"   At least he has that figured out young!

The Letter Collection

  On the thrift shop tours Thursday and Friday of last week, I found some more letters. A wooden puzzle missing some pieces, that's ok, I don't need whole alphabets.   Some unpainted wood letters and some letter cookie cutters.   Added to the collection.  I And organized, actually! ļ»æ Every drawer is different.   And what are they for?   These and more. Just another hoard collection!

One Down, Two to Go

  Or maybe 15 or so down!   I really have no idea how many of these Dad and I have collaborated on! He makes them, I paint them.   For the last 30+ years.       This one was made to match the markings on a horse belonging to the Mom of the new baby!   Dad has two more in the works right now.

Thrift Store Day

Friday involved some deliveries and a few thrift shops along the way.  It is really fun to have an outlet for the fun things I find now.    That little swan, while it would have caught my eye would have stayed on the shelf. Now it is cleaned up and headed to the shelves of MY little shop along with the Boonton Melamine Cream and Sugar   And this planter. Franciscan "Autumn" Candleholders Cemar pottery Gravy Bowl and that jar. I don't know what it is, but I liked it. Some Pfaltzgraff Jackson china Relpo Pottery and an unmarked bowl. We had one like that when we were kids. I already have one. Maybe someone else wants one! There was also some Pyrex and some more childrens' silverware.   All cleaned and priced and packed to go!   Kendall traveled along on the afternoon stops. When I told her we were going shopping, she wanted to know if we were going to a mal...