Carried Away

Ok, sometimes I just get carried away. 
The beadboard was bought last September.
A Thanksgiving project in mind. 
It was set in front of my car in the garage. 
I looked at it every day.
All winter. 
It was time.
A different project. 

In my healthy fear of saws, 
I finally managed to get 
JWS to cut it for me.
I might have just got a little carried away. 
I mean after all, 
I just wanted one set! 
Of Five

Forty four or so signs later, 
I was done. 

The really funny part? 

I am not really fond of birds! 

And this...

Is the one I used to have.   
Firewood now! 

I mean after all, it is fifteen years old! 

I sure hope it doesn't take JWS
another six months to make the stakes! 


Diane said…
What fun signs. Now you have gifts to give away.

Hugs diane
Love the signs, cathy! Great job.

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