The Best Potholder Pattern, EVER!

so in my search for another dishcloth pattern
this morning,
I ran across this potholder pattern.

And, I am really tired of making dishcloths.
And truthfully, 
I don't even like them or use them. 
But some of my family does...
so I persevere. 

If you go to read the pattern and want to jump right 
into making one,
here are the changes that I made to the directions. 
I did not go into the back of each stitch, 
but went into the whole stitch. 
I think that they are heavier that way,
but you do lose that ridged look. 

Also, I used an H crochet hook
Sugar and Cream cotton yarn
Lustre Sheen

And honestly,
I made this in the time that it took
Grape Nuts 
soften in my yogurt! my sister, 
if you are reading this, 
you are not forgotten, 
there is another motif for your bedspread in the pile! 

Now I am off to try to finish the list that I have made for 
myself for today. 

Porches cleaned, 
painting stuff primed, 
desserts made for our family's Easter celebration
maybe a quick shopping trip. 

Hope that everyone enjoys their Saturday! 


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