Three Prayers

Three Prayers
Three very young patients today. 

will be at Children's Hospital today for blood testing 
for jaundice. 
Safe travels

in the words of his brother. 

Well tomorrow morning at around 10:00 my 6 year old brother Laken will be having surgery to remove a lesion from his brain. The surgery should take about six hours to complete. We would greatly appreciate your prayers during this time and ...over the next few days. God is the only one that can truly heal someone, and we are asking him to do just that. Psalms 30:2 says, "O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me." James 5:15 says, "And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the LORD will raise him up." These are two promises from God that I am claiming for Laken over the next few days. Again, we covet your prayers, and we thank everyone that has supported us this far


Zeb is a strong, loved son, boyfriend and friend of many who suffered sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 19 due to wpw syndrome

Continued prayers for all three families! 


Holly said…
Prayers sent up for all of them.
Sheila said…
Prayers for your three friends...
We do know the power of prayer!
Take care,
Praying for all 3 and their families during this difficult time!
Susannah said…
Prayers being said her for all three precious people. God will be with them. Bless you, too.

Teresa said…
Many prayers are coming your way.
Unknown said…
Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

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