Pinterest, Nailed It

So, for those of you that have been around for awhile, 
you know that I have had a few
Pinterest Gone Bad

Mostly food items. 

But this one....
I think I nailed. 

Garren's birthday present 
but shhhhh, 
don't tell him.  

He doesn't get it until tomorrow.

It started with this...

and the picture below, 
that Shawnee sent to me
as a suggestion. 

JWS was a little disturbed that I got 
the picture 
went and retrieved a table. 

What he did not know 
was that I had four of them to pick from.

This was one...
and the match to it
that I lost the picture of somewhere. 

I keep telling him, 
"You are only a hoarder if you refuse to part with it!" 

My next Pinterest project? 

I am thinking these books.

Now where might I have a stack of bricks?   


Holly said…
Love it! I think it turned out great! Love the brick idea too. :)
I love this and your version of it is just so cute and I bet Garren loved it or will love it!

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