Such a Funny Little Boy

Two weekends ago 
I had this little boy and his sister for the weekend. 

Let me tell you, 
He cracks me up.  

I haven't had a poop post in awhile,
but have to share his 
Friday Morning Bathroom Comment.

He had quite the bout of diarrhea starting.

The first event was really something. 
His comment while peering at the results?
"I pooped like a meercat!"

Not sure where that came from. 

As a little background. 
He is my daughter's child.
His Aunt Jenn is my step-daughter,
thus no genetic connection. 

After I made a comment to his sister that 
she is looking more like her Aunt Kayla,
her father's sister,
Garren pipes up and says.
"and I look like my Aunt Jenn"

This little blonde fair skinned boy
thinks he looks like his 
clearly Italian heritage
Aunt Jenn. 

The ferris wheel at Idlewild was his favorite! 

We had to ride it  twice. 


The Crooked House
was his favorite place in 
StoryBook Forest. 

He took his VBS songs very seriously,
just like his mother always did! 

And finally,
some random event 
caused this comment 
coming out of a three year old...
"I didn't see that one coming"

Such a funny little boy! 


Ann said…
pooped like a meercat. I'll be giggling over that all morning.
acorn hollow said…
out of the mouth of babes! It is so much fun to hear what is on their mind.

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