Another Snowman Tutorial - Free Painting Pattern

Before you cringe and run the other direction, get ready... there is no pattern. C'mon, you can do it, it's just circles.... really. You want to cut a piece of Roclon Multipurpose Cloth, roughly 10 x 18 I always cut them a little bigger, paint over the edges and then trim it last. I used a quart paint can for the circles Overlap them on the bottom a little. Trace another line in 1 1/4 inch in on each side. These are the blues that I used Sprinkle them on liberally and paint them in. Everyone's background will be different. Beautiful! Don't overblend. Allow that to dry. Sand lightly. Next you will need these colors. You can use a stencil for the star or freehand it Trace in the circles again and add the noses and let's basecoat everything! ...