A Clown Free Auction

And they are rare happenings
generally manages to find clowns. 

I "won" 
this cute little card table.

And this crock, that I quit bidding on
picked up where I left off. 
I have a yellow one like it, 
have never seen this color. 

I loved this fabric, 
it resembled swiss cheese when I removed it from the 

The risk you take.

I bought a box, 
for the planter below
and there was this retro looking ash tray in it. 

Ash trays just aren't needed like they used to be! 

I have been looking for a set of these salt and pepper shakers 
for my camper. 

Anyone remember these! 

A stand  and a ladder to chalk paint. 

And my sister found some treasures also. 
The cornucopia?

I think she is going to paint it white.  


Laurie said…
I love auctions though I've never bought anything! Estate sales are a favorite when I have money to go to one. You always find the neatest stuff! Sorry about the swiss cheese!

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