59 Trips Around The Sun

Sometimes the best days are not epic! 
They are ordinary days. 
Magical, ordinary days.
Days spent doing exactly what you like to do
even if no one else understands! 
I had one of those yesterday. 

Lots of little projects
not allowing myself 
to see 
"what really needs done" 
and letting it spoil the day! 

I spray painted this chandelier. 
Ready to hang today...
more on that in another post. 
Sprayed this mirror and finished cleaning and decorating
the hallway. 

Almost have the kitchen finished. 

Logan visited me to show me his 
hunting attire for 
turkey hunting today.
Dinner napkin valance on the front door.
I scrubbed the front porch
at the camp, 
tidied, spruced, decorated,
and it is ready for Jenn's party tonight,

JWS cooked that awesome meal above
ended my night with that sundae! 

It was a great day! 
On to another year! 


Ann Thompson said…
Sounds like a perfect day and your dinner looks delicious

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