Waiting for the slowdown.

Waiting on the January slowdown and it’s not happening. 
I know the time, 
less shop traffic, 
home in the evenings, 
slower days to recuperate from the holiday rush.
Where is it?

Every evening, I drop into my chair, throw a few stitches in this
promptly pass out. 
Everywhere I look,
something needs my attention
I don’t know what to tackle first! 

Ever have a time like this in your life?l


TheCrankyCrow said…
Long, long, time ago.... Just remember to breathe. ~Robin~
Robin said…
Oh yes! It is overwhelming and you don’t know where to start. Pick one spot and use the touch it once method. Pick it up and take it where is belongs rather than shifting from here to there. Or Decide on ten minutes or ten items (I do this in my walk in closet). Spend ten minutes picking up things. Or pick up ten items I used to get so overwhelmed with all the stuff weighing done down on me that I sometimes took a mental health day from work jibe use I was really so out of sorts with all the things that needed to be done. You’ve got this!

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