Before, No After...Yet

First of all, 
I have lived in this house 19 years. 
That is officially the longest i have lived anywhere, ever in 63 years.
I guess that meant that I never lived anywhwere long enough 
to change what I had done. 
I might have repainted but never had to strip my own wallpaper. 
I guess I should apologize to all those people that bought houses
that I had gone wallpaper crazy in over the years. 
And I really loved wallpapering. 
This was my last place I had wallpapered.
19 years ago, when I moved in. 
I am not as young as I was then. 
And this is kicking my butt.  
After an entire day working on this yesterday, 
and not being as far along as i thought 
I would be in my mind, 
I am almost too sore to go back to it this morning. 
Full disclosure:
My mind might think my body is a little younger than it is. 
…update, tomorrow! 


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