How Many Projects Can You Have Started?

In my case, apparently a ton or 
seven to be exact!  
In my defense, I started a prayer shawl for a friend
who is going through a rough time right now. 
I felt that it would help me to remember to pray for her daily. 
I didn’t like the yarn.
(see the mint green)
I bought white.
(not soft enough)
I finally got to a Hobby Lobby and bought the blue variegated.
To be fair, at least I prayed through all the ones I didn’t like. 
They will still be fine for church donations, 
just not quite special enough for my friend. 
Then there is this stash above. 
I found this great little yarn shop in Punsxutawney Pa. 
The owner was so helpful finding me great yarns that were not wool
and so many were on sale.
I am learning new stitches and trying to expand my skills.
Then there is the
Annie’s Kit Club
that shows up every month and teaches me more new skills.
Plus, my hands work better if I vary the projects!
Enough justification for the ADD mess I have here?
That’s my story and I am sticking to it.      


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