India - The Women

I often think of Lydia in the Bible.  
I think of her working to provide for God’s church, 
of her entrepreneurial spirit. 
How God used her and I am sure other women’s
Spirits, gifts and experiences to enrich 
His church.  
I don’t know the stories of all these women, 
but I could easily see their work ethic. 
I am sure many of them were providing for their families
and I know that some of them were working 
to care for God’s people. 
The first one is of women running a stand at Darjeeling. 
Food for the tourists. 
A teacher at the school that I visited who brought her baby
to work with her every day.
Here she was cooling her down and washing her up on break time 
between classes. 
Nepali women at the Himalayan Zoological Park
selling corn snacks.
A young girl running her own tea stand
in the tea fields of Darjeeling. 
There were so many of these women sitting along the railroad tracks 
at the Batasia Loop of the Himalayan Miniature Railroad.
They were all crocheting hats and sweaters as they waited to sell their wares. 
This beautiful, peaceful Nepali woman took the time to show me
her craft.   
Although we couldn’t speak to one another, I felt such a kindred spirit
with her when she began carefully showing me her stitches. 
I so wish she would have had one finished for me to buy! 
The tea workers were like a painting!   
They were so surreal in the fields harvesting the tea. 
It struck me that they wore such Western clothing to go out and work in. 
The same women wore kurtas and saris the rest of the time,
But out here is was button down Western looking shirts. 
They allowed me to even pick tea with them! 
Such an amazing experience! 
The final worker is my friend, Mridula.
She was my host for two weeks. 
She opened her home to a virtual stranger
and later shared with me how nervous she was about me coming. 
She works so hard,
cooking and cleaning and teaching at the school. 
I so admire her for all she does. 
She and her family provided a 
once in a lifetime experience by opening their home 
and allowing me to become family in such a short time! 
…even if they did make me wash the dishes. 
Proverbs 31:10-31


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