At the Ballet

This happened on Saturday Night.  
A modern ballet performed in Armstrong County featuring eleven artists from the county. 
I am in the red in the middle.
 I seriously dislike being in front of crowds and public speaking.  
It was a challenge, but I was honored to be chosen
and to sit alongside such amazing talent. 
I have been singing, in my head, the song from A Chorus Line, 
At the Ballet, 
for days. 
Back to reality, I am nursing a sore throat and spent much of yesterday
resting in my chair and working 
on catching up my temperature blanket.  
My new years resolution already is to not take on any year long projects next year. 
The year before I did a Block of the Month quilt and a sampler afghan.
 Too much pressure and seriously over estimating how much
time retirement would give me.  
Sunday morning was spent decorating this tree in Kittanning Riverfront Park.  
I skipped church, too much talking for an already raw throat. 
Next is the tree in Ford City today and moving into yet another shop.   



acorn hollow said…
I hope you are feeling better. Very pretty tree
And congratulations on being chosen

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