And the winner is.......

Here are the entries in my favorite pottery bowl, more about that later.And the winner is Natalie at Tins and Treasures! Another winter project for you..can't wait to see what you do with it. Thanks for entering everyone! To anyone that wanted directions for the penny rugs I will gladly help you out, just send me an email and I'll try to get you started.

Thursday night I start pottery classes again. They are such a great time with friends and it is so relaxing to make such a mess! I am not very good at it, but I keep plugging away in the hopes that someday I will make something bigger than a small cereal bowl. The studio where I take classes has a unique and generous approach to the classes. You pay for your six weeks of class, however during that six weeks her studio is open for you to use at any time day or night. I have not taken advantage of this in the past, however I have high hopes to make a tea set for my granddaughter's birthday in this session and her first birthday is this month so I hope to take advantage of using the studio more during this session in order to get the tea set finished.

It is hard to believe that little girl is going to be a year old already! Seems like just yesterday we were waiting her arrival, although it seems like yesterday I was waiting her mother's arrival. How time flies!

I have this great idea to make canvases of all the kids handprints, the ones that I bought at Michaels the other day so I am taking a break from the knitting frenzy that I have been on and am off to warm up the paint brushes. They have been idle too long!


Pottery classes sound like lots of fun!! Enjoy your blog :0)
Dawn said…
Congradulations to Natalie,I have attempted to make my firsst penny rug, however where i jioned them together I didnt like the look of. Do your sew them from the back, i sewed them in the front and I could see the stitching. Yours looks so neat, how do you get htat look? Thanks Dawn
I used to work with someone who loved to do pottery and even bought her own wheel:)
The tea set sounds wonderful.
Nate's Mom said…
The pottery class sounds like fun. I'm curious to see what you are going to do with the handprints.

Sheri in CA
Raggedy Angel said…
I would love to make a penny rug...and one day I would like to try pottery. Beth
Amber said…
Hey Cathy! Next Tuesday is great for me. Let me know if it's a for sure! Oh, and what time?
Oh, I am so very excited about my new wool! The kids will be going back to college on nest will be empty...I will be needing something to occupy myself!
Thank you so much!

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