Never slurp vinegar!

That dear husband of mine came home from the grocery store excited about vinegar. First of all, yes, he does the grocery shopping most of the time. After all, he is the one that is in town all the time and I would NEVER even think to buy VINEGAR, much less be excited about it. He sets them on the counter and wants me to taste test the difference between the vinegars. Trying hard to feign interest in his little scientific experiment/carnival act, but extremely wary, he pours the first vinegar and I taste it. Not a vinegar fan, it is ok ...tastes like vinegar. THEN he pours about a half teaspoon of the PLATINUM vinegar and I taste/slurp that. Immediately I am coughing and wheezing, can't breathe on the dining room floor. I manage to crawl and claw my way to the bathroom because as the coughing subsides, the gagging takes over. Sorry to be so graphic, just beware...don't slurp vinegar. Next time he wants me to taste test something it better have chocolate on the label ...