Curb Appeal has begun

A little over a week ago, we started on this.
And now we have this.  Fence down, shrubs and trees trimmed, and it is starting to look better.  Dear hubby and I are falling into bed at night totally exhausted, but well rewarded when we look out the windows of our house and no longer see chain link fence surrounding a jungle.  We will be taking that enclosed porch back to a regular porch and residing the house.  I can picture it in my mind.  I think it is going to look nice!
I needed something new for my dining room table and had picked up this canning jar lifter thingie at a yard sale for fifty cents and my mom had found the tray also for fifty cents.  Berry vine, $11.99 and the little bird and nest for around $6 at the local shop, the rest was just gathered stuff and a quick trip to my MIL's yard this morning yielded the flowers.  Not bad for under $20.

And speaking of nests.  I changed some lights on my porch this morning, have been waiting to do this until I saw no more signs of birds at this nest.  I was surprised when I pulled it down to find these eggs in it.  Do birds just abandon the eggs? 
Kendall is here staying with me, Shelby had her wisdom teeth out yesterday.  It was Kendall's first time to stay anywhere overnight and she has slept now for almost 12 hours.  How hard is this? 
Now to get a shower before she wakes up....why didn't I think of that sooner?


Good Morning,
It looks so much better without the fence and with the landscaping that you have done. Good work!

Have a thoughtful Thursday. ~Natalie
Unknown said…
Looking great!!
You are doing a wonderful job.
I wish I had some of your energy.
My yard needs some major help right now. :)

Thanks for sharing.
Wow, you have been busy!
Nice job on the yard nice clean fresh look.

It's funny how people don't seem to notice when a yard is getting overgrown. I guess we wait so long for plants to take root and grow that we try not to think about pruning back.
Lois said…
Cathy, your hard work is definately showing. The yard looks great!
I hope you have been having a good summer. Mine just flew by but we did get a few things done around the house here so it hasn't been a total loss.
Have a great weekend!
Lois S.

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