When life gives you popcorn,

Make Popcorn Balls! JWS has been wanting a popcorn machine. He has searched all the regular sources, Ebay, Craig's List, Restaurant Warehouse, Etc. Not just for at home, he thought the fair needed one. There was one, years ago. And that brought back the memories of Don Pennington. I am not sure how I met him, but he became a friend. Twenty years older than me, but we both had a love for all things old and primitive and worn out, long before "primitive" was popular. He would dig around in old barns and attics and basements and find stuff that no one else wanted or even knew they had and bring it home and fix and clean and strip and refinish and a treasure would be born. He would stop at my house and stop at work and tell me to drop in his workshop and see his latest treasures. The original "picker". He always had a project for me and I have to say that he was the person ...