Last Friday, Next Friday

Last Friday was spent at Conneaut Lake Park. One of my favorite places to be.. I went there when I was young. I took my girls there and now my grandchildren. The park has struggled over the years, but they are persevering and coming back. It was so nice to see a nice crowd a clean midway, and ride attendants that went above and beyond to make sure that all the families had a great day! Four generations spent the day there Mom and Dad, Me Shelby Gracelyn, Kendall and Garren. There was something for everyone! Such a relaxing day! And next Friday, I start this. A painting class in Virginia at the Pampered Palette. I can't wait. It has been a long time since I have taken a seminar. Three days of painting, no phone, no stress, no demands. What a break! I have always loved this painting. This well worn book sits on my coffee table all the time. I even bought this piece a few y...