
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Great Dish Towel Saga

  This is probably going to leave you shaking your head.   And saying... "Is he still alive?" or my comment, "How dumb could you be?"   I love these dish towels. They are absorbent, they are large, they do not smell and they do not "snag" on your hands.   They are also pricey. Well, pricey for my frugal persona.   They were a gift from my daughter, after I commented on how much I liked hers.   She is frugal also, hers were a gift.   She bought eight of them for me and they have lasted and lasted.   I have bleached and soaked and used them hard.   For several years.   Get the picture?   I love them!!!  (well, as much as you can "love" a dish towel)   So, how you say, did they get burnt?   Well, backtracking, stay with me.   I have the most awesome young(er)  woman that cleans for me.   Ever notice how when yo...


On a hot day like this!   My sister had the idea. Sandpaper as roofing shingles.   I couldn't wait to try it!   So, I assembled the tools.ļ»æ And got started.    Assorted weights of sandpaper from the Dollar Tree. A punch I had on hand and some glue.   I did switch to Tacky glue midway through the project.   Now, does anyone have any ideas for the siding? Bedroom,   minus the bed still working on that one. ļ»æ   And the kitchen, still need a stove and to organize the hutch. Kendall found all the dishes, the clock and the broom and was so excited, that I had to get the kitchen ready.   The light fixture is a jar lid and the top of a percolator all wrapped with some jute.     Friday, at work, I had a visitor that left a whole bag of doll house furniture for me!   I had the picture here and it disappeared!   More on ...

Fairy Gardens for Dummies

It might need a little tweaking, but really,   now I want to make about 15 more! The fun that it provided for four children, was really worth it all.   Disclaimer: I did not want the sequins, they happened to be in the container with the stones and now I will be cleaning sequins out of my yard for the next 10 years or so.    I really should know better.   So here's MY tutorial.   I am sure that there are more precise ones somewhere.   But honestly, do those real tutorials ever fit YOUR lifestyle?   This is what you start with. The table happened to be on my deck still from Jenn, the non-sewer, Pinterest addict that wanted to make a dress for herself outside on the deck.   More on that another day.   The wire basket was just a thought, it didn't work. So, we have a large plastic planter. (not a big fan of plastic planters, but it was all I could find...

Garden Tour

This is how my day started. Coffee and Sunrise. Feet propped up. Welcome to my Garden!   All colors of wave petunias. My first ever blooming Easter Lily! Day Lilies Liatrisļ»æ More lilies and liatrisļ»æ And my garden tower project from last night.     JWS thinks that the kids will smash them. Seek and destroy in his words.    They made it through today! ļ»æ

Craft Camp

Wednesday morning, I taught a class at the 4-H Camp.   What fun! ļ»æ   And how much easier it is to teach kids than adults.   They raise their hand before they talk. And really don't complain about lack of skills! They did an amazing job!      ļ»æ

The 2nd Annual Revival of the "Safe" Word

  Ok, before you go all red-faced and think that this safe word has something to do with bedroom antics, let me assure you It Does Not!   Last year, several weeks prior to the fair, after I had mowed more hours than I care to admit at the fairgrounds, cleaned bathrooms so gross that we can't even talk about it and generally helped out my fair manager husband in any way that I could... I asked him one evening to weed eat at our house before he went to the fairgrounds to work for the fourth night that week. A twenty minute job while I did the mowing (not a twenty minute job) When he replied, "I don't have time." everything around here went on a quick downward spiral and crashed. I swear steam came out of my ears. When I am too mad to yell and rant and rave... I am too mad. He knew. It was the fire in my eyes... the purple face, the shaking hands (or fists), and the... well, anyway, ...