
Showing posts from February, 2014

Finds of the Day

  Today was the day to deliver the Linus Project Blankets that Shelby's class made   add a little more stock to the shelves at Diamond Antiques   and a visit to Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse.   A few surprises along the way!   The first, a ride along friend which made the day much more fun! and second white out conditions that were a little scary.   So, what did I find? The samples above which I think would look cool strung and hung in the yard somewhere.    A few more laminate samples in some different sizes. Some blanks for my dad and his carving friends.   Some letters to add to the collection. Cute little clothespins. Game pieces. Seashells and gems for VBS decorating. Leather samples for collages. And about 20 of these!  These were at Construction Junction for 15 cents each.   They will be part of a room remodel ...

You Might Be A Hoarder....

  ...if you can make favors for a shower out of items in your house and not have to buy anything.   And, while you might think, "Yes, that is a hoarder."   You can add to it, this is the third shower that I have done that in the past two years. Around 120 favors and everything right in the house.   But really, you are not a hoarder if you can part with it, right?      

And the Curtains!

Way back here   I promised no more pics until the curtains.   Well, they are here!  I knew that they were shipped, I kept pestering the UPS man (as if he has any power) and yesterday he manages to bring in all the packages for the shop and tells me that once again my package is not here. Lower lip out, shoulders down, I walk away. Then he brings them in! I must say, I was excited! My sister made them for me and shipped them from Florida. She does an awesome job on curtains! Piping and little weights, they are so nice! But then I realized... I had no cafĆ© rods! So before they could even be hung I had to run to town to get rods!  I think that they are just the perfect finishing touch! Now if I could just find those last three baskets that I need for the closet shelf.... but they are being quite elusive,...

What is Waiting to be Painted?

This and This!   But I just can't seem to pick up those brushes!   Hopefully the warmer weather this week puts me in a better state of mind!

Auction Treasures

  Some just take a little cleaning and washing and  pressing. Some require a little repair work and some remaking because they are not quite  perfect! But it's fun to go through and see what you can do  with them. A box of old linens is like a treasure chest for me! 

Spring Tag Free Tutorial

These are about the easiest and least expensive craft EVER!   I am really not sure I NEED this many of these but once I got going, I could not quit!   So you will need:   Laminate samples Paper Xacto knife White Glue Sanding block Antiquing or paint or ink pad Leftover ribbon scraps   Now, first of all, I am not going to condone stealing laminate samples from your local Lowes or Home Depot, but hey, you just might want to change out that countertop someday and some samples would be helpful!   Mine, however came from Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse   for $5 for a huge bag of them. If you have never been there, it is worth the trip.   I always find something to bring home!   Not that I haven't needed samples just in case I want to change my countertop.. in the past.   And the print on the paper? I found it at: ...

Redneck Girls

  Look at them, all cute pink purple glitter and ruffles.   And then you hear their conversation.   But first the background. Gracelyn's Mom, Shawnee, watches Kamden every day, Kendall Tuesday and Thursday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I keep Kendall. I drive to Shawnee's house and pick her up and put Gracelyn on the school bus those days.   Shelby usually drops the kids off about 15 minutes before I get there.   Friday morning when I pull in I see red drips in the snow and a big puddle of red.   I immediately think transmission fluid. I call Shelby and tell her that I think her vehicle is leaking something. I go in the house and get the girls.   The girls come out to the car and stop dead in their tracks looking down.   I am not sure which one commented first.   They are four and five. It was cold. I just wanted them to get in the car!   "...

And Now to Find More Stuff!

Finally, yesterday after snow and ice and family commitments, I took the day off work and   went to set up my booth!   The people at Diamond Antiques and Gifts     could not have been nicer!   So helpful and welcoming!   It's going to be a fun journey!   Now off to find more stuff!   

Quilting Weekend

I picked out the pattern over a year ago. I think that Mom has fretted over it since then.   A year of finding the fabrics, all batiks, coming from quite a few states and trips.   Finally this weekend, we started. Figuring, sorting, cutting, figuring, re cutting, sorting, figuring and finally some sewing.   It all took me back to high school geometry class and poor Mr. Simerlink.   I am really not sure he ever liked me, but I sure would have made him proud this weekend.   I used every bit of geometry that I remember. (which is not much considering it was 40 years ago!) This is what my dining room looked like for much of the weekend. And it even spilled out onto the kitchen floor at one point!   Mom brought in Kamden's quilt that she had finished. This one looks a lot easier! Some time out for Gracelyn Cheering, she is the little blonde in the middle. And ...