Finds of the Day

Today was the day to
deliver the Linus Project Blankets
Shelby's class made
add a little more stock to the shelves
Diamond Antiques
a visit to
Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse.
A few surprises along the way!
The first,
a ride along friend which made the day much more fun!
white out conditions that were a little scary.
So, what did I find?
The samples above
which I think would look cool strung
and hung in the yard somewhere. 

A few more laminate samples
in some different sizes.

Some blanks for my dad and his carving friends.

Some letters to add to the collection.

Cute little clothespins.

Game pieces.

Seashells and gems for VBS decorating.

Leather samples for collages.

And about 20 of these! 
These were at Construction Junction
15 cents each.
They will be part of a room remodel soon!
Bet you can't wait for that one!

And last of all,
You might remember this:
Well, why I didn't keep all those fish,
I really don't know.
People wanted them and could use them.
So, once again, the VBS theme calls for fish.
The fish farm is about to re-open!


Sheila said…
You amaze me as to what you will bring home.........would love to have an ounce of your vision and creativity!
Can't wait to see what becomes of it all.

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