Kazoos and the three P's

Hang on for the synopsis of a week...another crazy one of course, that is all that we have around here these days. Last Wednesday was spent preparing to leave on the mission trip to Appalachia. As with all trip preparations in my life, everything seems to go wrong the day before I leave causing me to make such rash statements as "This is it, I am not going on another mission trip, there is too much to do around here, this time I really mean it and yes, I know I say this every time but I mean it THIS IS IT!!!" And then I go again. Back to last Wednesday, somewhere along the line I took a post it note and jotted down everything that happened so that I would not forget. It is in my purse, my purse is in my car, I was too tired to carry it in the house last night. I think that might be where my blood pressure medicine is also, I just realized this morning that I have not found that since I arrived home. Add that to the list for today, I think I might need...