
Showing posts from April, 2011

Another trip around the sun.

Today was my birthday. Fifty three years in, life is not getting any calmer. Why? Today was also my driving day for dialysis...and my day to watch Kendall.  Not sure how that overlapping was going to work, but no time like the present to try it.   Kendall was not sure about riding in Nana's car.  I debated.  Would it be easier to convince the two year old to ride in Nana's car? or would it be easier to convince Nana to ride in my car?  What a dilemma.  Pros and Cons.   The two year old can't talk a lot, the 70 + year old has no problem voicing her opinion..repeatedly.  On the other hand, the twenty five mile trip with the two year old screaming might be just as bad as the 70+ year old "opinons".   What to do, what to do? I strapped in the car seat and managed to bend the stiff as a board, screaming two year old into the seat.  Such decisions in life.  The two year old will forget, the 70+ year old has a good memory and will remind me more than a few times that I

Are the eggs cooked?

Really? That is how I am now answering that question.  Followed by; How disorganized do you think I am? It's been another one of those weeks. Dead battery in my car. SOMEONE hit the truck and dented in the side. Tax day. Still fighting the ants. Rain. Rain. Rain. Finally mowing the grass. Lots of t-shirts to print. Dialysis driving day. Battle with the common cold....or allergies. Missed doctor's appointment. Out of blood pressure medicine. Out of thyroid medicine. and still.... I managed to boil the eggs. Well I did two dozen and then JWS thinking I didn't have enough, did another two dozen. Point is, They were cooked and cooled in cartons in the fridge waiting to be dyed. So yesterday is my day to drive to dialysis. Shawnee has a doctor's appointment, I am going to drop my MIL at dialysis and go to Shawnee's and keep the girls until my Mom and Dad get there to take over and then I have to go back and pick up the dialysis patient and somewhere fit in some shopping

The Cameras Should Be Rolling...

We really could have a better show than the Kardashians. Oh, of course we are not as beautiful or glamorous, and we sure don't have that kind of money, (or much of any right now actually) but there sure is a lot of activity. Of course, I had to put a picture in of something creative. This was actually all I got finished this week. More on that later. So, Back to yesterday. I knew it had the potential to not go smooth. Too many variables, too close of scheduling. Up at 5:00 AM. Make the coffee, a little devotional, a little prayer, (that probably was the key to it not going worse, or me remaining somewhat sane) Out the door at 5:30 for the 3+ mile walk. It is not light yet, we take flashlights. How silly do we look? Back in the house at 6:15, Take JWS his coffee in bed. (I do that EVERY morning {smug smile on my face}) Anyway, Jump through the shower and "do" my hair, there won't be time for touch ups later, we have a dinner to go to and are leaving at 5:00 PM right w

Twelve Days

No blogging. Where did the time go? Painting. Trying to rid my house of black ants. Some funky painting. Another battle with the ants. Some funky stitching also. Another ant battle. Some of the weapons of the war. The last of the bunnies. And a few carrots. Die, you stupid ants. A different battle... Several days of the flu. and a little more stitching. Some cleaning. I know, maybe if I would do more of that I would not have the ants. A wonderful surprise My girls took me to see Mamma Mia for an early birthday present. It was great! Some more ant battles. The first motorcycle ride of the year. Nightmares about ants. Spring early morning walking with a fun friend. We walk before 6 AM with flashlights and talk and laugh!  What fun! JWS had a battle with the flu. I fought some more ants. Some rearranging of furniture. And the ants. I finally broke down and went to the hardware store today to buy ant spray. I am not a huge spray chemical lover, but I could not take it anymore.

The Fire Has Gone Cold

For those of you that have not been following the continuing saga of the fireplace. Check HERE for the background on some of the drama. Or HERE I really thought that the worst of it was over. The fire would be out soon. I could clean the living room. The rest of the house. The front porch. Get a new rug. Oh, the gas bills were low. But. The rug was ruined. $$$$ Chiropractor bills from back issues that I blamed on unloading firewood. $$$$ Initial cost of woodburner. $$$$ Continual vacuuming %$&* All ok, because the gas bills were really LOW. However, lately there has been the issue of the smoke. Lots and lots and lots of smoke. Not up the chimney smoke... in your face, choking you out of your recliner at night, SMOKE! I thought that something was wrong. JWS just kept jamming more wood in there. What do I know? Finally, on Wednesday... I slide him this little post-it note with the name of a chimney sweep on it. Talking to Shelby on Wednesday night, we laugh about Dick Van Dyke/Mar