
Showing posts from August, 2011

Wool Ornaments Free Pattern

You will need: Felted Wool and Embroidery Floss Colors of your choice Jute Assorted buttons or beads Polyfil Freezer paper Cardstock or old greeting cards. Regular Crafting Supplies This is the pattern.  This is on a sheet of 9 x 12 paper and the box is 2 1/2" x 3" I am going to take this to work with me and scan it and create a .pdf file. If you want that, email me and I will send it to you. Trace these patterns onto cardstock. I have been using old greeting cards, colorful patterns and really?.. I was beginning to hoard them, it was time to put them to use. Trace the patterns on to freezer paper. Iron the freezer paper to the wool.  You don't actually cut the pattern out of freezer paper, you leave paper around the edge of it. It is easier to cut out the wool accurately if you are cutting through the paper and the wool. Make sense? I hope so. Now go to your recliner or couch and cut away and make a big mess. I did use the rotary cutter to cut out the squares. Way fast...

Shock, Relief and Some Projects.

Sunday morning held quite the shock for me. I had been afraid to get on the scale. Fair week, Fair food, Not much walking. But really, how bad could it be? I knew that my jeans were a little more snug, So I braved it. I stepped up, I sucked in. I held my breath. Does breath really weigh anything? I gained SIX pounds!!!! I expected TWO! but SIX WHOLE POUNDS!!! How did this happen. All day I reasoned, I pondered, I lamented. I didn't think I ate that much fair food. So, I didn't eat much at the church picnic. I drank lots of water. I snacked on peppers and tomatoes. I vowed to walk run exercise. I think I drove JWS a little crazier. He gave me all the reasoning. 50's Menopause. "You still look great, honey." I was inconsolable, How could I walk this much since April and gain six pounds? Then this morning... I noticed as I took my deep breath to prepare for my daily weigh-ins in my quest to lose this 6 pounds... and maybe the five that I initially wanted to lose in...

The Beach,Buzz, Woody, A Unicorn, An Apple Peeler and More

Of course, to start all this nonsense, I did get something painted. I am not even sure where this came from, but, I think that it is going to Shawnee, she just redid her entry and I thought it would look nice hanging in there. On Thursday afternoon, I got Gracelyn for an overnight. The boys, of course wanted to play with her for awhile. Gracelyn wanted to play beach. Inspired by items she found in my car. Does this give you any idea what my car would look like? It could have it's own episode of Hoarders! The boys obliged, Although Logan was not obliging for a photo moment, these two hammed it up! Then Friday morning... Tyler gets on the bus at our house. Their house does not have a safe stopping place for the bus. Gracelyn decides to ride to work with Aunt Jenn and Logan. Thus begins a good playing day for Gracelyn and Logan, and INSEPARABLE day for those two. I hit a yard sale and found these items. Not that I need two more rotary cutters, but for that price, someone might? Ano...

First Day of School

How many pics are there just like this? I see them everywhere! I wanted one of him getting on the bus, but in his busy little way.... He grabbed my camera because he wanted to take a picture of his bus pulling up. He got someone else's truck... and then the bus! And this is all I got of him getting on the bus. See those little feet? How can they be ready for school? And Logan had his own school bus. I seriously underestimated how much those two entertained one another. Until... Gramma, how do you spell youtube? Gramma, how do you spell Brunswick Pro? I can spell Bowling myself! Gramma, come look at this! Gramma, read this to me! Gramma, please play just one game of bowling on the computer with me! Gramma, when are we going to the candy store? Gramma Gramma Gramma Gramma, when is my brother going to be home? And some painting... and an order. And some ornaments. Twelve down and Eighty-Eight to go. I should have started on this order way sooner! ļ»æ

A Wonderful Swap!

Sheila over at Seasons of Thy Heart sent this wonderful collection for me. We agreed to swap the centerpiece for some painted items. And she sent that cute little Halloween arrangement along extra and the pumpkin for me to create something also. I love everything! I have her painted items ready to mail. I am a little behind from fair week. They are going out today though. Stop by her blog and link to her selling blog, she has wonderful items! Thanks Sheila! I love it all! A few days before the fair, I was frantically painting picnic tables. A yearly event. This one appeared for me! What a surprise! I painted it, it sat at the fair all week. And now it resides on my deck! All the kids names are on it. Wonder when I am going to have to sand it and add another? Someone put a sticker on it. Not a happy moment! My whole house smells like dust. I never thought I would be glad to see so much rain coming, but I sure will be glad to get rid of the dust smell. And the Earthquake. I did...


Fair entries and ribbons! Dad won one also. And Mom did well.  This is Garren's baby quilt. Blue Ribbon Winner! And her crayon bags, another Blue Ribbon Winner. This one will be listed on my selling blog today! 

What a whirlwind!

The last seventeen days have flown by!  Good intentions were made to blog it all. That is all that they ended up being... good intentions. Remnants of a clown.  Left in a balloon bouquet.  And shoes by the door. Toodles stayed with us for the week of the fair. I must say though, I never passed her in the house after she "checked in" on Tuesday. The week was that hectic. Check her out HERE! She was a great asset to the fair! The kids loved her! More tables painted the week before the fair.   There was one for me. Pics of it tomorrow. It is still loaded in the back of the truck. Another penny rug finished right before the fair. And... The week before the fair, I had the pleasure of spending the day at Idlewild with Gracelyn, Garren and Kendall. Here the girls are ready for the day. Gracelyn held on to that map all day. I think it was a Dora thing. Kendall was ready to pull her older cousin through Storybook Forest. Driving the train. A sleepover with Gracely...