
Showing posts from February, 2013

An Old Girl Scout Song

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold.   Remember it?   We sang it in rounds around the campfire. At 9, 10 and 11 years old, it really didn't have the meaning that it does as we get older.   The painting above was done in my first sessions of learning decorative painting.   It is a pie basket that I have kept for the last 30 years and used over and over.   A reminder of a good friend.   This is how I started painting. Early 20's, at home Mom with two small little girls, under the age of two. I was living in a rural area, 100+ miles from "home".   My NEW friend, Hope, saw my need to "get out" for a little while.   She suggested we take a class. She had done her homework. Stained Glass, Square dancing or Tole Painting.   General clumsiness and the lack of a square dancing parter quickly eliminated the first two. ...

Knit the Bridge

Life has been a little more than it's normal chaos for the last few months.   For instance, I realized this morning that I had never taken the cushions and awning off my front porch for the winter. Does is matter? Not really. Just one of those things that have been overlooked and forgotten over the last few months.   However, I walked into my sewing room and saw this project. Signed up, made a commitment, have it in writing, project.   Knit the Bridge in Pittsburgh.   At the time that I signed up, it seemed like a fun little project that I would enjoy.   Using up scrap yarn, an art project, then donated to a good cause. A fun afternoon walking across the bridge looking at everyone's creations.   Yes, all that, and then I forgot all about it!   So, I am back, furiously crocheting, knowing that I have a deadline!   For more information on Knit th...

Old School, New School

  My new friend Charlotte,!/romalandwoodcrafts?fref=ts posted a pic of a little girl with one of these phones, the one on the left, that is.   It inspired me to take this pic. I found this phone at a yard sale a few years ago. I think that I paid less than a dollar for it.   They are really fun all painted up, But before it went into the stash, I set it on my painting counter and plugged it in. To my surprise, it worked! And even better, because of it's weight, it didn't fall off the counter when I propped it on my shoulder to talk. The headphone seemed to fit between my shoulder and ear better also, and there were no annoying "chin pushing the buttons" moments. Perfect! So that is where it stayed. And I used it, only to answer for over a year. Then the thought... wonder if you can "dial" it? And you can! Funny thing, it will only take seven num...

Museum, Part 2

A few things that I have painted for my Mom over the years. And a couple of Mom's quilts. This is made with one inch squares. How much patience does that take? It was so good to be home. I can't tell you when I was ever as homesick as I was on Friday.    Mom is improving some, she sounds better on the phone, I hate the 100 miles that seperate us more than ever right now.   Thank you again for all the prayers! ļ»æ

Welcome to the Museum

    First floor, Woodcarvings   I have not included all of them here. Not sure I would not crash the entire World Wide Web doing that... There are lots! How would you like to dust all of this? And I truly believe, that for every carving in this house, there is another one somewhere that he has given away.   Tomorrow's post might be the quilt section or maybe   Things I Have Painted in this House... you will have to wait and see. ļ»æ   Update on my mom. She is home, insurance would not allow her to stay any longer. She is resting. She is very tired. I guess it is now and wait and see if the meds work process.   I wanted her out of that hospital and when she was worse yesterday morning Dad and I quickly decided to just get her out of there. If she does not improve, we will take her elsewhere. It is just a waiting game now. ...


What to title this post? I thought of Why I Don't Carry A Gun But in today's world That might set off a few alarms. I also thought It Is Good That I Have Jesus In My Heart But that was a little long. And so  Entitled is the word of the day.  You will see why later. This story was originally a very long text sent to four daughters and a friend.  A private blog post of sorts. Dianna thought it was blog worthy. And so,  here you go.... keeping in mind that I have never posted a blog post from my phone. Please be gentle, the punctuation is hard with your thumbs. First of all, I am still in Ohio at the hospital a little more than tired and frustrated,  and here we go.  After a fourteen hour shift at the hospital yesterday starting at 5:30am yesterday, fighting icy roads to get home, we arrive again this morning before 6 am. There is a nice waiting room across the hall from mom's room and I was really glad to see...

A Whole Lot of Blue

My Mom and Dad's house is that. Everywhere you look, Blue. Blue flowers, Blue carpet, Blue walls, Blue glass, Blue dishes, Blue towels.... get the picture? I am back in Ohio again. Mom is back in the hospital. Short of getting on a rant or soapbox, health care certainly lacks the CARE part.   My mom is in Northside Medical Facility and I have to say, it has made some great strides over the past few years and the nursing staff is excellent in my opinion.   Care lacks in doctors and residents who tell you they do not know what is wrong so we are releasing her. No diagnosis, just go home. Really? REALLY?   A small sample of Dad's carvings!   This morning we meet with doctors, we will be there when they get there. Six AM.   Sure wish I could have slept.    I appreciate all of you sending thoughts and prayers! Your kind notes, words of encouragement, t...

Warm and Fuzzy?

Looks all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it?  Soft and warm and cuddly?     In retrospect, everything I worked on yesterday had this look. Soft and pastel, fuzzy and warm, Even this painting, finished up in the AM, not my normal colors, but soft and pastel... Well, it didn't fit the mood of the day, believe me.   Hang on, because this is the brutal truth. I was mad. Mad at the World. When I get mad, I cry. Attempted to go to church. Barely holding it together, it was a bad decision.   Sometimes, I really believe that church attendance is not always a good choice.   And it wasn't.   I tried, quiet tears kept flowing....   until.... JWS looks at me and says, "If you didn't have Jesus in your heart right now, you would take off that high heel and drive it right through someone's forehead, wouldn't you?"   See, he gets me!   Slight chu...