
Showing posts from June, 2013

Sewing Baskets

  Sewing baskets are one of my favorite items to find at yard sales. They are usually inexpensive and fun for me to go through and sort out.   In the process of cleaning out my mother in law's house, four of them were handed to me.   Last night, I sorted. A fun vintage needle folder, love these! Could needles be packaged any more elegantly?   I have a few of these now... just trying to think of a way to display them.   More on that later.... I think I have an idea!   Hope that everyone has a great Saturday.   Here, we will try to stay dry!

Auction finds

These Thursday night auctions are getting to be Way Too Fun!  Oh, the treasures I am finding! (Oh, the hoard I am starting adding to) How could you not buy this little beauty?   What is it?   A lovely serving dish!   Now, really, doesn't everyone NEED one of these in their home?

Guessing Game

  Remember playing those games at showers that they showed you the tray for minutes and you had to remember what was on it?   I bought a Styrofoam cooler full of all this stuff at the auction the other night. Sometimes, curiosity   just gets the best of me. Don't worry, the price was not high and there are possibilities there believe it or not.   Anyone else see any treasures?

Diaper Gardening

Check out these baskets!  These have been on my deck for around ten years. Everything, every plant imaginable, has been tried in them. Total failure! Nothing would grow! The water would run out over the top, through the bottom, they just could not hold water. So frustrating! Then I saw it! (can't remember where) A diaper in the bottom of the pot, under the dirt. Perfect!   They are growing like crazy!    

Rock Collecting

Sometimes, you think that you are just looking for rocks for the garden...   ļ»æ and what do you get? ļ»æ A perfect photo opp! and, of course... Rocks for the Garden.    

Florida Family Fun

ļ»æ Mom and I had tickets to Florida long before I knew I had to have surgery. I almost cancelled them amidst the threat of flying with a cast. Blood Clots, Swelling.... How miserable would I be? How much could I walk? what to do?   In the end, the doctor had me take an aspirin every day for the two weeks before I left.   And we went. Last weekend. And while there were a few minor issues, we had fun!    So nice to have a great visit with family and spend some time with Mom.   Pictured above from left to right. My brother in law, Ron, Sister, Jan Mom Me My niece, Amber, My new nephew, Larry.   ļ»æ I even got a painting project in! Amber wanted her mailbox to look like an old saddlebag. You can see it in the top picture also.  It was a fun project! It did rain a lot while we were there. Florida's wet sunshine. We did get some regular sunshine also! How about t...

Old McDivitt's Farm

Saturday morning found us at the farm. Not sure how my friends are going to take the "old" part. It just sounded good! Gracelyn, Garren and Kendall loved it! Kamden was there too and I didn't get a picture of him. Oh my, but keeping up with a two year old in wide open spaces considering that I still have a cast on... well let's just say pictures were snapped fast and I missed a pic of Kamden! The chickens were a hit. How excited is Garren at those lambs? ļ»æ I  am not sure if Kendall was more taken with Cliffy, the calf or the littlest farmer baby, Quin. Gracelyn was all about the calf.   Garren has no fear of anything.   But the hit of the day? The corn crib!   Sure wish I would have had one of these all weekend!   The kids were fascinated by playing in the corn. ļ»æ They did not want to leave. Who knew a bunch of corn could entertain them that long? They would not even pose for...

Good Things, Bad Things

My peonies are in full bloom! Good Thing!   The rain has them all beat to the ground. Bad Thing!   I can still bring them in and put them in vases. Good Thing!   They bring ants in the house like crazy! Bad Thing, but worth it! A new coffee cup that my Mom and Dad bought for me! Good Thing! We came home from work last night to find water dripping from our family room ceiling. Bad Thing!   JWS quickly had it fixed! and it was a good excuse to clean under the vanity. Double Good Thing!   Surprise delivery! A sample box of goodies from Decoart!    Lots of Good Things!  

Snowmen Tags and Magnets

  Memory! Where does it go?   I decided it was time to update my blog and I found these pictures all ready and waiting for directions. So here goes.   I know that they are a little unseasonal but they were on the top of my painting pile waiting to be finished. With sealer/white glue/modge podge adhere the paper to the tags.   I have used an old hymnal, scrapbook paper will work as well. Don't have an old hymnal? If you send me your mailing address, I will send pages to you. How easy is that?   When they are dry, sand them and antique them with some dark chocolate acrylic paint thinned down.    I use water, faster drying time and they are small. Anything much bigger than these tags, I use extender in my paint for antiquing.   With Light Cinnamon, paint in three circles.   C'mon, did you think I was going to give you a pattern for this? Don't forget a little...