
Showing posts from November, 2013

The Beauty of Haiti

  There is much of Haiti that is not beautiful, but as with anything, you have to look for the beauty.   It's there, God provides it. You just have to see it.       In the flowers,   in the rusted tin gate, that someone took the time to paint red.       And in the children, always in the children.     In nature,   In the architecture,ļ»æ and in the scenery.   I arrived home last night. Unfortunately, I was hit with some bug that I am struggling to get over.   I will have more pictures and stories later.

What would you rather do?

  These projects are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Antelope heads painted with orange camo and A nice, cuddly soft baby afghan.   Which one would you rather work on?   Last Saturday, our pastor asked if I could make "one of those yarn blankets" before I left for Haiti to take along for a couple that is expecting.   He informed me that I could work on it on the plane. I informed him that I had a book to read.   Anyway, it is almost done.    Hopefully it will be done and wrapped and in my suitcase.   The Hallmark Christmas movies,  early darkness, and  a crackling fire are helping that project along.   ļ»æ


Thanks to some awesome benefactors, there will be some of God's tiniest clothed!   While in Haiti, next week, we will be helping out at an orphanage for preschool children. Twenty one children in desperate need of food, clothing.. basics!   So, I packed. ļ»æ And Kendall helped. At four, she had a lot of questions about where their Mommies and Daddies were, why they needed clothes. "don't they even have a car?"   and "Can I go with you and play with them?"ļ»æ Clothing was found at end of year prices.ļ»æ Bible story books,ļ»æ lots of sewing,ļ»æ and flip flops for $1 each. How can you pass that up?ļ»æ Some more sewing, and underwear. I found a huge duffel bag at the church, and I packed and weighed and packed and weighed.   Add a can of formula, some more clothing, weigh again.   Getting the picture? Finally at 43 pounds, I decided that was clos...

Happy Three, Little Boy!

  Wyatt is three today!  Last night was cake and ice cream and presents and confusion!   Thomas the Train The Fresh Beat Band Bubble Guppies and ENERGY!    What a blessing!    

We Are Going Back!

  And I can't wait! New Orleans!   The most friendly. welcoming, fun, city that I have ever visited!   JWS and I both have been wanting to go back and yesterday morning I heard him on the phone booking a room and then left it up to me to get plane tickets.    And we are booked.    I can't wait! Oysters, Bread Pudding, Beignets, The Music, The Art! The Architecture, The History... I love it all!

Steps to a Crazy Quilt Block

  Apologizing right up front for blurry and weird pictures! Oh and sideways pictures also!   I am on a real kick with these blocks right now.   I am blaming it on having to get rid of my wool. You might say, "Oh, you needed another project since you don't have the wool?" But I say, "I found all this material when I cleaned out the wool!"   Books and books of decorator fabrics. You can ask for them at furniture stores, or sometimes you can buy them at salvage places. I even saw them for sale at Joann's one time and believe it or not, did not buy any.   It took everything I have in me not to buy them I left chanting, You do not want to be on Hoarders You do not want to be on Hoarders....   My mom's friend, Ruth is my pusher supplier. So, here we go, this is what I do, I am not a quilting expert, so it might not be the RIGHT way. I like things totally random, so throw away your OCD tend...

Photographic Moment

Great picture, right? Everyone looking forward, Relatively happy.   I have had people amazed at that. But then, they didn't see this...ļ»æ The fight between the two year olds.ļ»æ   The non-removal of masks.ļ»æ The battle over the masks.ļ»æ Gracelyn telling one end of the couch how to act. ļ»æ Gracelyn explaining to the other end of the couch how to act and the lobster bites the dust.     But in the end, it worked.   Grandma might be shopping for a sectional sofa! ļ»æ

Lost and Found

  Hang on, get a cup of coffee, this is one of those posts.   Yesterday, Halloween, was quite the bizarre day.   Starting with a dead phone battery because I didn't plug the charger in far enough, was that an omen? A quick trip to searching for a toy tuba for Garren. (I think that search might be futile.) The normal morning stuff and the sudden realization that I have 27 painting orders that need finished. (The first goal was to have them done prior to the 17th when I leave for Haiti, but realistically? I think that goal flew right out the window on a rainbow flying pony...)   So, I proceed with the day. Get to work.   A 6 minute, 6 mile trip to Gracelyn's school after SOMEONE forgot to inform me about a Halloween parade. Anyone who has ever had the misfortune of riding with me can relate to the ride. I made it, she was adorable.   And then, JWS reminds me that I need to...