That is what is on my breakfast menu this morning. You see, we need to grocery shop. I have clothes that need washed as well as bedding and towels. I have no laundry soap. I have no peanut butter, no bread, no paper towels, and no apples! I really need that daily apple. You ask why? (Not the apple, the rest of the stuff) Maybe it is this: Better than half of the fence is down and a lot of brush cleared. Or this: Wednesday night's concert. ZZ Top, they were great and as you see, we had pretty good seats also. Or this: I still had to get my crafting "fix" in for the week. This is made from more of those fabric sample books that I have. Or perhaps work, or boot camp, or fair preparations, or grand kids, or who knows what else, but one of the inhabitants of this house really needs to go and get groceries. Thank goodness that in the middle of the Fence and Brush Clearing Shenanigans last night, my MIL managed to feed us! Have a great weekend!