Milkcan, 18 and Stocking, 19

Finished this up yesterday AM. I am embarrassed to say that it has been sitting here for a year. A couple of coats of varnish and it is out of here also. And Gracelyn's Stocking. Two more of these to go. It still needs steamed. These are great justification for the "hoard". These were made without purchasing anything! Everything was found in my stash! Today begins some tense moments around my house. The new carpeting comes on Friday. But first... The family room needs re-arranged, The kitchen needs some adjustments to allow furniture to pass through, The dining room needs emptied, The living room needs emptied. The old carpet needs ripped up, The living room needs another coat of paint, all before Friday Morning and the kicker is... a man, that would be JWS, that hates upheaval of any type. I am searching for the medicine that the doctor gave me for flying... I'll just be slipping some of that in his morning coffee. Way less of a crime than I could commit when he ...