You Can't Be Everywhere at Once

Or Can You? Does anyone remember this movie? My girls loved it! They can quote many parts word for word. Michael Keaton, I think that the character's name was Doug, finds that he has too many places to be and has himself cloned. Funny movie and interesting concept. The only problem is that each clone gets a little quirkier and dumber. So, where am I going with all this? Here are my options for this weekend. #1 My daughter's SIL's wedding. Gracelyn and Garren are flower girl and ringbearer. #2 It is clean-up weekend at Conneaut Lake Park. My Dad is going without me. #3 It is ladies camp/crafting weekend and the quilt show at Chautauqua My mom is going without me. #4 Tyler has a game, and I have a magazine deadline. Stay at home weekend. ...