My poor little sewing machine

is huffing and puffing. It thinks that it has just ran a marathon. I finally finished the tops of these quilts for the boys. What started as simple block bedspreads really morphed into something way bigger than I normally take on. I am sort of an "instant gratification crafter " and these were way out of my league. I was planning in the early stages to tie tack them but right now I have a call in to a machine quilter that I am hoping will take them on and get them done before Christmas. Is that too much to ask? For right now I am going to give my machine a little cool down while I put away the basket of laundry that has been sitting here since Friday, run the sweeper, straighten up the house, get a shower and then it is back to the sewing room to make the curtains for the boys' bedroom, maybe some curtains for my sewing room, work on my ornaments for church, and oh how about the 15 or so painting orders that I took on for before Christmas. All that UNLESS the quilting lad...