A Commercial for Dyson

So, they have not asked me to do this commercial, and just for the record, I am not getting paid for the endorsement. But, that being said, I so often complain about things that happen that I need to give due time to GOOD things that happen. Let me start by saying that I am certainly qualified to compare sweepers. I have had almost every brand in my thirty something years of adult vacuuming life. . And I have also pretty much annihilated every other brand. At least 15 or so of them that I can count. To be fair, I am not careful with a sweeper. They are pretty much treated like shop vacs at my house. So, Two and one half years ago I bought a Dyson. The Animal. I don't have animals, but it was the biggest and the best and the most $$$. It had better be good. I cost more than several of the cars I have driven in my life. I was sitting in Best Buy on the floor trying to tear it apart when the sales associate approached asking very nicely what I thought I was doing. "O...