
Showing posts from June, 2011

Just for Men

In the event that you think, he is going to not be happy that she blogged this, I just want to say in advance that he told me I could tell the story. Last weekend, JWS and some of his buddies went to the races.  Good times. I went once with him, I can't tell you how thankful I am that he has buddies to go with. NHRA ranks right up there with gun raffles for me. Well, maybe not that bad. The food is better at the races. But anyway... This picture comes up in a text message. I look at it. My first thought? Who is this old man sending me a picture of himself? Wait!!!! That is none other than JWS himself. He is posed between two girls with abundant assets in Harley shirts. Really?  When did he get that old? Never mind all that cleavage that would explain the grin on this old man's face, double take back, he looks old! Studying the picture, I realize that he has a hat on and he never wears hats. The hats does not allow you to see the brown hair, only the  gray beard. How to ...

The start of a day...and a pony ride

Today is not starting well.         My morning walk was great, other than the deer flies! Things went slightly haywire after that. JWS had paper work that needed done...quickly. Work had to start earlier because of that. He was standing over my shoulder. But before that... I drove over a football trying to get out of the garage. I get to work and realize I have no keys. I crawl in the window. (An easy task if you are let's say, under 20 and thin.) I go back outside to get the aforementioned paper work, my phone and my purse out of my car... AND LOCK MYSELF OUT AGAIN! ļ»æ Back through the aforementioned window AGAIN! Should I just go back to bed now? Yesterday, we took Gracelyn for a pony ride. My friend, Carol has this very nice little pony. Gracelyn was excited. She LOVES horses, and unicorns and mermaids. Maybe in that order. However, she did want to ride the pink one. I think she thought it was a merry-...

Artichokes and Walmart Chicken

I am going to start with the disclaimer that I know that my car is a disaster. There is still stuff in it from VBS. It is like a treasure hunt in my tailgate. Maybe this week, I'll get it cleaned out. OK, So now that I have cleared that up. Jenn's car is so much worse than mine. When she pulls in and opens the door, you never know what is going to fall out.  You have the empty juice containers, an occasional french fry, and any ball ranging from golf to beach. Get the picture?  When she loses something, I always ask if she checked her car. Yesterday morning I rode to church with Dianna. Her car is clean, really really REALLY clean. I rode home with Jenn. I had to move the usual stuff to get in the passenger seat. Her purse, understandable. A notebook, three weeks worth of Children's church papers and crafts, a can of Copenhagen, a golf putter, an empty can of Mountain Dew, and a produce bag filled with artichokes! Then I turned around. I thought I would try to name everythi...

Wagon Train

This is what went through our backyard today. The Appalachian Wagon Train You can read more about it here I actually almost missed it.  I knew that it was going through today and just happened to run downstairs and heard it. Interesting to see. I really enjoyed this traffic issue. The Amish buggy waiting on the wagon train to pass. It actually pulled off to wait. And when the wagon train passed, the buggy fell in behind. This is the view from my backyard the other way. There is a horse show in the fairgrounds this weekend. It's like living next to a campground.  Wyatt is asleep, such a good little baby.  He never did anything this evening, except smile and eat and sleep. He never cries! I did get painting done and hit a really good yard tomorrow. Right now I am hitting my bed. I know that baby is good, but I am tired anyway!

Flags, Corn, Flamingos and Snowmen

On Thursday, the worst day in an already bad week, I came home to find a package in the mail with my name on it.  I love surprises!  These flags, and this corn!  An unexpected gift from Patti at Raspberry Lane Primitives! I was so excited. Thank you so much!!!! The corn is perfect in this basket with the handkerchief that I found at an antique mall. These snowmen were the only thing that I got painted this week. And... We got Flocked. Someone thought my yard needed a little dressing up and some color apparently. Wonder where they will go next? And to end the week. Chores done for the morning, I am ready to craft! What a great day, cool and rainy so I don't feel guilty about not being in the yard. The house is the perfect temp. JWS is away on a guy weekend. And tonight... Baby Wyatt is having his first sleepover!  Cleaned my bedroom and set up the Pack and Play!

Weekend Update

What a great weekend! Every year as soon as VBS is over, I say my summer begins. Regular weeks. Not fall into bed from exhaustion, get up and do it again weeks. Time for yard work, painting and clean clothes! Not dig to the bottom of the sock and underwear drawer hoping that there is still something clean, actually having clean things in the drawer ready and waiting. Even COOKING! We got fresh chickens on Saturday and I roasted two of them Saturday afternoon. Saturday AM was spent in the yard. Cleaning out flower beds. Lavender in full bloom, smells so good! But this stuff...does anyone know what it is?  It smells terrible, but is so pretty and is a great ground cover. Love these lilies! They really need separated though. These are some of my favorites also. And this rooster, that I think has just reached the right patina... JWS commented that I need to give it a coat of paint. How long has he known me? These are at the end of our driveway. Gracelyn calls them her castles. Am...

Is anyone else having problems posting comments?

Finally today, I made the rounds on some of my favorite blogs.  I visited most of my faithful commenters, really I did.  I signed in and commented.  It asked me to choose a profile.  I did and signed in again.  It took me back to my comment and then when I pushed the button...back to the sign in again.  What a vicious circle that was!  I tried signing with my normal email and tried signing in with my Google account. Can anyone please help me? 

Progressive Stage Fright

See that cute little blonde next to Logan? Make sure that you look at the brown pants. Gracelyn started out ok at the VBS program. And then... She must have see the crowd. See that little bit of brown to the left of Logan's right knee? This is where she ended up. To her credit, she did not run and  cry, she just hid behind all the kids. When it was over, she calmly stood up and walked off the stage. I don't see show business in her future. However, this one, in the blue shirt... He LOVES an audience! These were my yard sale finds from Friday AM. Great finds! Total? $17.00 These towels arrived in the mail the other day. They are from Williams and Sonoma. Shelby sent them to me.  She uses them and they are so absorbent. What a nice surprise! I have to go on the record and thank my girls this week. Shelby, of course for the towels. Jennifer for making all my food that I volunteered for on Friday. Dianna for staying and helping me take down the 500 fish on the wall at ...