
Showing posts from March, 2011

Last Class

Last  night was my last charcoal class. Although it was only four weeks, I learned so much. Joining the local art association has been great. It has made me aware of so many new avenues. And.. Doesn't that one pencil look crooked?  I just noticed that. Oh well, it's not as if I had a ruler. Gives credit to that statement, "I can't even draw a straight line." Next class, starts Monday. Not exactly a class, it is open studio nights in April. Still lifes. Can't wait! And Paint. I cleaned these shelves the other night. Yes. This. Is. Clean. For me, anyway. Recently, I became a Helping Artist for Decoart. They are very generous with products for you to try. My head is spinning with possibilities for projects. If only I didn't have to go to work... ļ»æ

How time flies.

Where are the weeks going? Spring must be here. Time starts spinning out of control The winter break must be over. I had a deadline to meet, more on that for another time. I made it, but I seriously underestimated the work required to meet it. Enough of that though. This material behind these flowers just shouted at to me as I slid through a quilt store a few weeks ago. I used sealer to adhere it to the painted surface and then painted on top of it. It still needs varnished.  That should smooth out the surface. A few gingers that have been waiting for attention since last fall. And more owls. A couple of more paintings. And some more sketches from my charcoal class. I only have one more class. I am going to miss them!

Things That I Found

The girls and I cleaned out the attic of our old house. Yesterday, I finally went through everything, cleaned and repacked it all. Some favorite things. Two Nancy Drew books. One is going off to a friend that collects them. And my Bobbsey twin books. They will join others that I have found at yard sales on the  bookshelves. And these cute little bunnies that I made in ceramics years ago. Several other ceramic items were found also. Shawnee, the decorating and fashion police of our family, was a little dismayed that I would put these out. Ceramic eggs. Shelby loved these when she was little and I used them to potty train her. She was allowed to play with them if she used the potty. Strange? Yes. I think she needs them for Kendall. A couple of table runners that my Mom made for me. And my favorite book from when I was little. Well worn, but glad that I have kept it. A wool blanket that I pieced years ago. I was using wool, when wool wasn't cool! Sorry! My grandmother's...

One whole long, crazy week.

No pics...just words. Monday started CRAZY....and continued. In my words of the week. Mon: Kendall, really do you have to put your finger that far up your nose? Tues: Please everyone leave me alone while I place this shirt order.   Wed: Yes, JWS, I know the shirt order is all wrong, refer to yesterday's comment. Please leave me alone while I place the revised shirt order. Yes, boys you can come to Grandma's after work and make cookies. Boys, those big black ants that Grandma's kitchen is infested with are not pets.  We kill them, not let them walk all over us and tickle us. I know that your Mom tells you nothing is "killed" or "dead" but I do not think that applies to big, black ants in Grandma's kitchen. Boys, that is grandma's charcoal and yes you can draw with it a little bit. Boys, I am going next door to get your pajamas.  You can bathe here, Mommy does not need to see you that dirty from charcoal. Thurs: Tyler, did you get a pawprint toda...

Inspiration from a friend.

My friend, Lesley over at Harmony Road Studio , does these great ATC's. One morning, while perusing blogs, (which I don't seem to have enough time to do lately) I saw the ATC in her blog and got inspired. Not a bird lover myself, I changed it up a little. Mardi Gras, Lent, New Orleans. That was the theme. And an order finally finished. Why do I procrastinate so much? And a couple of more owls. And before you think... Cathy, you get so much done? Where do you find the time? Don't bronze my craft supplies yet. This is what my family room looks like right now. Hoarder?  Maybe. You see, eight years ago, I sold my house to my step-daughter and son-in-law. I married JWS and less than a month later, Jenn and Chris got engaged. That fall they bought my old house. They remodeled, time slipped past and I never got the attic cleaned out.  She didn't need it, and I put it off. NOW, they have moved next door to us. and they think that they have their old house (my old house) s...

Crazy Train

That is the ring tone that JWS has for me When going through the thousands of ring tones available. Romantic ones, Fun ones, Memories, What does he pick? Crazy Train. He thinks it best describes life with me. He might be right. Take this morning. I think that I need to get back to some normalcy, Sleeping regular hours, Waking regular hours. My internal clock is off. Way off. My throat is sore, sure sign that I need to get regular sleep. Last night, I set the alarm on my smart phone. This morning, it goes off. 5:00 AM Shinedown. If you only knew.   (That's the song) Loud. Really loud. I fumble. It will not go off. I finally grab the phone and head to the bathroom and shut the door in an effort to dull the sound. Still really loud.  The alarm is showing OFF. Still playing. Not the whole song mind you. The opening of the song over and over. I try to put it under the rug. The volume will not turn down, because it is not even showing it on. Still loud! I finally turn the alarm bac...

Owls and Aspire

A few more owls. These are so much fun to make! . And a painting.  Pay no attention to the lint on the floor. This is in my laundry room in the basement. Today I am off to Ohio for a luncheon at my Mom's church. A visit with my cousin. I don't see her often enough. A visit to Pat Catan's. Sam's. Who knows where we might stop. But right now.... "Sittin' here bloggin' waiting for my underwear to dry.." Hey, that could be a song.

Gym, Junque shopping and The Princess

Today was my day again to drive to dialysis. For those of  you that were confused on a previous post. my MIL in on dialysis, not me.   We recently set up a schedule to drive her there. So far it is working out great. So, as I am considering my driving day a day off, here is what I did with my day. First, I went to the gym. That was not pretty, it had been awhile since I was there. I can tell already that it is going to be worse tomorrow. Then... I hit the jackpot. I had seen this shop several times but had either been in a hurry, or it was after hours when I went by. Since I had time to kill today, this was my first stop after the gym. WOW! Is all I can say. They have so much stuff jammed in this place. It is called B and R Depot and is on Route 66 just north of Kittanning. B and R as I thought about it later is for Barbara and Ron. They were so friendly and interesting to talk to. Ron even loaded this end table that I bought into the back of the car for me! If you are out ...

Goo Gone as Shampoo

Disclaimer: Do not try this at home. Sunday night, JWS and I went to the neighbors' house to watch the boys. For those of you that don't know, about two weeks ago, my step-daughter and son-in-law moved in next door with two of the cutest little boys in the world. and Bernie the dog. The house that we bought last fall, was finally ready to move in to.  At some point I will blog that process, but not today. I sit down on the floor and Logan plops into my lap. (Don't you just love that?) Well, immediately this horrible chemical smell hits me. "Logan, what in the world do you have in your hair?" He gets embarrassed and now everyone is smelling his hair and he snuggles closer to get away from them. EWWWW! HE STINKS!!! After Mom and Dad leave and Tyler quits sniffing, I quietly tell him, "Logan, please show me what you put in your hair, Grandma is not going to yell, I just want to know." He takes my hand, leads me to the hall closet, stoops down, reaches...