Can anyone relate?...and sit a spell on my porch!

First of all, I hope that someone can relate to this story and I am not the only one that something like this has happened to. Today was my 51st birthday and when I made the gynecologist appointment I thought that it was not a good idea to have to go to the doctor on a birthday. This was my one month check-up from the surgery. I did not expect an internal exam so I was surprised when the nurse told me to undress. Well I had ran home from work and changed and slid into a pair of shoes with no socks...sort of clog like things that I had not had on since last fall. When I took them off in that teeny tiny exam room I suddenly realized that my feet I have this sheet all neatly and demurely wrapped around my body, perched on the table waiting, thinking that I HAVE to do SOMETHING about my feet because when they hit those stirrups, they are going to render the doctor unconscious. So I leap off the table as fast as I can and wrap that sheet around and tuck it in to make a lo...