Church announcements and just a couple more pics

The announcement in church this morning was truly a rural moment. I am going to change the names but you will get the idea. The pastor announced, "Wendell and Norma White would like to announce that they have lost two white faced Herefords that escaped the pasture yesterday, if anyone sees them please phone .........." That announcement actually topped the one from a month ago of "The men's banquet will be held at the local Sportsmen's Club on Wednesday night, all the men are encouraged to bring their shotguns" You just can't beat Rural America! And just a few more pics of Kendall. Don't you just love that hair? Her Aunt Shawnee had the comb out and was styling away today. Such chubby little cheeks for as tiny as she is. The Princess was in the hospital to see her new cousin today and was totally fascinated with the "Baby" They are so cute together, such opposite in hair color.