
Showing posts from November, 2010

The List Continues to Shrink

Three more orders almost finished. They just need varnished now. These aren't colors that I normally use and they are way brighter than they look in the picture. A nice change from my normal palette. And basic stars and vines. And now for the award for the Best Use of Turkey Leftovers. The Nominees include: Almost every household in the country. And the winner is....(shuffling around as I open the envelope) Drum Roll Please. Dum da da dum! MY HUSBAND! This soup rocks. It is literally the BEST soup I have ever eaten. Sorry Mom (who rarely reads the blog anyway) But this beats your soup! I really hope that statement does not affect the care packages of wedding soup that I receive. I am telling you THE BEST! I can't wait to be hungry again. Soup for breakfast...

Weekend with the Princess

One more finished project off the list BEFORE the Princess arrived for her Weekend at Mama's House. We finished decorating the church. Thanks again to Paula, Shawnee and Jennifer for all their help on Friday, even if the two youngest of that group in a Black Friday shopping stupor caused me a mild panic attack when I thought the Nativity was missing. Gracelyn and I managed to locate Baby Jesus and set up everything yesterday. Big White Box. Big Letters. CERAMIC NATIVITY SET HANDLE WITH CARE Hard to miss, Girls! And we posed in front of the Christmas tree! We baked cookies. Now, before any of you read this and think I have suddenly gone domestic. Cookie Dough in a Bag. Prepared Icing. Ok, I did add the food coloring to make it pink. That's as domestic as I get. We watched the start of the Wizard of Oz before she went to bed. I questioned that, it always scared me. Sometimes it still does. She seemed to love it!

The Biggest and The Smallest

Along with some prep work yesterday, the biggest and the smallest of the orders were the ones that I decided to finish first. A little more decorating at the church today and a weekend with Gracelyn! The princess should be arriving around 9 AM. Girls weekend! Woohoo!

Panic Button

It was time to hit the panic button. It happens every year. Where did the year go? Really? Christmas is less than a month away? I still have this... and this... and this... and these... and these... and about eight cabinet doors to paint. Before. Christmas. But the real panic set in when I tried to load this adorable little snowman template to get rid of the Blogger Template thing that I didn't like and POOF! It all went away. Everything! I think I felt my heart skip a beat. Or two. Actually I think I had 9-1 dialed, when I told myself. Calm, Calm.... I read, I hit help, panic some more, help again. Calm. Coffee. Calm. It had to be somewhere and I had to find it. Finally, I was back. The next thing I searched was the info on how to back-up your blog. Found it. Saved it. Whew! You might think all those things to paint in one month would be enough to panic anyone? Losing two years worth of blogging for me would be the real issue! The mitten picture at the top is just for those of you...

Five Great Reasons to be Thankful!

These are five of my greatest reasons to be thankful. It doesn't get any better than this for me! Hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that you took time to count your blessings.

Multi-tasking at it's finest.

After work yesterday, in the few short minutes of daylight left at the end of a work day, (well, I might have ducked out a little early) I managed to race home and get the gladiola bulbs dug up and seeds gathered from some of the flowers around the yard and spring bulbs planted.  Then DH, who also somehow managed to convince his mother to hang out at the shop until five, pulled in with a load of firewood.  Between the two of us, we managed to get that unloaded and stacked and still had 5 minutes to spare before 5 o'clock.  The boys were arriving at 6 o'clock.  Hubby rushes in, throws chicken in the oven, puts yesterday's bean soup on to cook and runs to the house next door to start working. The boys arrive, toy guitars in hand, and immediately grab the remote and turn on the Chipmunks movie and start rocking out to Alvin, Simon and Theodore. The multi-tasking moment of the evening though was when... The boys are chasing each other around the house with a stick ...

Menopausal ADD

About a week ago, someone sent an email to me regarding Adult ADD.  After reading it, I painfully realized that I might have a problem.  It described me very accurately. Take yesterday morning. I had to remake two beds and vacuum for the bear hunters that were arriving later in the day. The sheets were clean and in the washer. Get up Make the coffee, Check my email. Sip the coffee. Take the sweeper upstairs. Go to the basement for the sheets, but first, there is that sweater that I went to put on last Sunday that has a stain on it so while I am going to the basement, I am just going to run over to the other side of the house and get that sweater and throw it in while I was going to the basement anyway. Spot the sweater, start the washer, gather the sheets and pillowcases, take them upstairs. Turn on the iron in the messy sewing room. Clean up a few things in there while the iron is heating. Walk by the mirror and realize that my hair needs colored really bad. Run back dow...

Twelve down, Eighteen to go.

Buttons, Buttons, sewing and sewing buttons. More walker bags added to the finished pile.  Sure will be glad to see these finished! ļ»æ

The Never Ending Projects

I have myself in quite the mess. I am calling in the Never Ending Project Syndrome. You see, I started this before the Open House and never quite got it finished.  Now it is in the way and needs done and out of there but, I paint and paint and paint and there seems to be no end to it. And then I got myself into this project.  A man at our church goes to two nursing homes every Sunday and worships with the residents. What a ministry he has! I offered to make walker/wheelchair bags for his (what I thought was a little) flock. Two Sundays ago, I told him that I would have them in a week for him and oh, by the way, how many do you actually need? My mind was wrapped around the number 12. THIRTY!  was the number I heard him say. "THIRTY!" I repeated just a trifle louder and more panicked than I probably should have. Thirty it is.  I offered. So I am sewing and sewing and sewing and sewing. And then these little buggers. I had my Dad cut these way back in January....

I would talk to you but....

So if any of you are following the insanity that I call LIFE... And even if you aren't, I feel the need to document it anyway. Someday there will be a story, Someday, maybe the government will pay for a studyļ»æ. Heck, someday it just might be my eulogy. I hope that you all get a laugh. Shawnee and Brian wanted to go to the hospital today. I wanted to keep Gracelyn. John likens her to taking care of a goldfish. He has the boys pegged as Rottweilers. That should tell you how easy today was going to be. UNTIL. THE. CALL. Jenn is also going to the hospital with her Mom and the boys WANT to go to church. In my corner of the world, when little boys WANT to go to church, you would move mountains to get them there. John also wants to go to the hospital.  That leaves me with three finger pinching car seats squeezed into the back seat of my cute little Equinox. I pick up the boys, I drive to meet Shawnee at our halfway point and I get Gracelyn. I get to church...way too early.  The...

Good News and My Words of the Day.

This is Dianna and Wyatt yesterday.  We are getting better reports daily. He is such an adorable little guy.  We are hoping to have him home by the end of next week. Answered Prayers! And then my day. In my words. Jenn, why don't you go to the hospital with your dad and I'll keep the boys. Wait, you are ready to bring them now?  I had some errands to run. I need laundry soap. I have no clean underwear. I don't have any clean socks. Wait here are two white ones. It's OK if they don't really match. My hair is wet. Give me 10 minutes anyway. (Two minutes later) Why, hello Tyler and Logan.  Be good just until Grandma gets her hair dry and her face on. OK, boys load up.  First, we have to go to the shop, Second to the post office, Third to the bank, Fourth to the Dollar General and Fifth to the grocery store. Oh and be ready boys in the event that we see a yard sale somewhere. Put the balloons back. Stay together. Boys come back here. Yes, you can have one...

Update, Thanks and Prayers

What a little fighter this little boy is going to be!  Monday night at about 10:00, Wyatt started to have some problems.  He was being treated for pneumonia and his blood sugar levels were dropping dangerously low.  Hooked up to tubes and on oxygen, he was still being treated for by the caring staff at Indiana Regional Hospital.  We could not ask for better care!  Dianna also was having problems due to the spinal.  She was having severe headaches that they were trying to relieve for her.  Tuesday night at about 10:00, the decision was made to give Wyatt his first helicopter ride and transfer him to the NICU unit at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh.  The top notch staff arrived to take him, professionalism at it's finest. At 3:00 AM, he was in the sky, flying over Travis and I as we gassed and coffeed up at Sheetz to make the trip and meet him there.   I know in his little mind he was waving and laughing at us, I can picture him doing t...

Baby Wyatt has arrived!

Baby Wyatt made his arrival this afternoon!  6 pounds 14 ounces 19 inches long How is this possible that he is sleeping so calmly?  Surely this can't last, but doesn't he look peaceful now?