How to Paint a Barn Star - Free Painting Tutorial

You will need:
Surface of choice.
(I am using one of the bizillion canvases that I prepped for a class that never was.)
Flat brush about 1/2 inch
Star Stencil
Cosmetic Sponge
Decoart Americana
Heritage Brick
Honey Brown

Find the area that you want your star
and stencil it using very little
Russet paint on a cosmetic sponge.
After it is dry,
using a ruler,
draw the lines on the star as shown.

Here is the diagram to make it clearer.
Paint the x spots with Russet
the remaining spots with
Heritage Brick.

Your star should look like this.

Drybrush highlight
on the Russet areas with Heritage Brick
and the
Heritage Brick areas with a brush mix
Heritage Brick and Honey Brown.
This is brushed lightly at the points of the star.

Sideload shade the Heritage Brick areas with Russet
the Russet areas
with a brush mix of
Russet and Black.

And you are done!

I am painting frantically still for the open house.  It is less than three weeks away.
Check out the projects at


Thanks for the tutorial Cathy!
I always wondered how to do that. I will have to add this to my long list of things I want to do. Have a wonderful day!
Jessica said…
Thank you for the tutorial! I love barn stars!
What an awesome tutorial - I have been wanting to try painting one of these dimensional stars for a long time. You have inspired me to try it..thanks so much
Hope you have a really great day
Smiles from South GA
I know how long tutorials take to make and publish...thank you so much for sharing.
frontporchprims said…
You make that look way to easy:) It's beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. -Steph-
That's awesome but I'm sure mine still wouldn't look as good as yours...ever! Lol
Debbie said…
So neat, but I am so NOT talented!! I am still interested in a rooster chalk board!!

God Bless~
Unknown said…
Thanks so much for this tutorial:)

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