Penny Rug Process

Let me start this by saying "MY TAXES ARE AT THE ACCOUNTANT'S!!! WOOHOO! I finally finished up everything and took it last night. I was not leaving work until they were ready! Tomorrow is Hysterectomy Day and almost everything on my BH (Before Hysterectomy) list is done. I have to finish the list at work today and then pack some things tonight and drag all my Recovery projects downstairs to the family room so that everything will be ready for my return home. Yesterday morning, in the insomniac mode that I am in...I started this project and thought that I would document the process. I have had this frame hanging around for awhile and finally painted and crackled it. The wool came from the Dirtiest Yard Sale EVER (at least the dirtiest one I was ever at) but they had lots of wool blankets and I washed and washed and finally my daughter suggested washing them in white vinegar and sure enough that took the smell out. Several people have suggested that I was not in my right...