So many projects, so little time.

Crafter's ADD has kicked in again! When I work on a penny rug, it seems as though I always cut too many pennies. I have been putting them in this box in my sewing room for a couple of years and finally decided to get them out and use them up. I think that I am just going to make pillows out of all of these, sometime this winter when I finally finish them. Oh and of course, while I had all the wool out and laying all over my sewing room, I had to cut a new one out also. This is the start of the boys bedspreads. This will be the middle of them and then I plan to piece around this. This one needs all the machine applique done on it yet. Imagine my surprise when I ran to Walmart last night for stitch witchery and all the yard goods were gone! I asked one lady where the yard goods were and she had no idea what that was. I translated that to fabric and she said, "Oh we got rid of that stuff" I knew that they were planning that in a lot of Walmarts but I would have th...